Tuesday, November 9, 2010

#29: Fuck Heads Who Think Its Cool To Talk About Politics Or Religion

I'm so fucking sick of people who think its "intellectual" to talk about politics or religion. If I had a dollar every time some smug asshole pissed me off by bringing up his opinion on Obama's first term or how there is no God (use that as a conversation starter at the bar, I bet you'll get laid a TON) then I would be able to buy Khloe Kardashian's ass, assuming it still sells for $40,000.00 per pound (that would be $640,000.00 total). You aren't fucking smart, this isn't CNN, and I can guarantee you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Politics aren't understood by anyone, not even the candidates themselves, so you may as well take your opinion and see if you can wipe your ass with it. Because that's all its worth. And talking religion with someone else is like talking about if life is sustained in any other galaxy except ours, or if Kyron Horman is still alive. Its boring as fuck, and no one should care because there's no way you're going to find out anything everyone doesn't already know. You want my take? As long as I don't have to be a slave and I can go snowboarding twice a week, I could really not care at all what any politician does with laws or taxes or whatever. And as for religion, if Jesus/Allah/Buddah/Whoever the Fuck wants to come shred with me or jam out on the guitar, then sure I'll kick it with he/she/it. But if not, (once again) I really don't give a fuck. And why do you? Is one dumb ass kid's opinion going to change some politician's mind? Nooooooope. Is someone's belief in religion going to make the world a better place? Noooooope. You know what does help things though? ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING IN REAL FUCKING LIFE


  1. Usually people with higher I.Q.'s tend to give a shit about the world around them. That's why they tend talk about politics and religion.

    Have you ever tried expressing your views to people in the real world?

    You seem as if maybe you have a lot of anger built up, because of your fear to express yourself in a real world environment.

  2. It's not that I don't enjoy having intellectual conversations with someone, but that having one thats about politics or religion is basically impossible. In my experience debating about politics or religion is pointless because most everyone has a set opinion that they are not going to budge from and will argue for no matter what, even if facts are presented against them. Its just like arguing whether this band is better than that one. Its just a matter of how you interpret the music, or the gospel, or the personality of the politician.
