Friday, October 29, 2010

#6: People Who Think Smoking Weed Is Healthy And/Or The Coolest Thing Ever

Fucking pot head fucks. I’m getting real sick and tired of hearing about how high you got and how much food you ate. I wasn't fucking there! I don’t give two shits that you went to taco bell and got 7 crunch-wrap supremes and asked the lady in the window to take a hit. If I was there I would probably have wanted to kill myself anyways. “Weed makes everything better dude how can you hate on it?” well what the fuck did you do last time you were high? You watched planet earth for 8 hours and ate all the peanut butter in your house? Fucking epic! Let me in on that next time! SIKE! I'd rather watch a documentary on Gilbert Gottfried. I also like it when people say that weed is good for you since it’s a plant from 'mother nature'. Yeah? So is ipecac, why don’t you go ingest some of that. Fucking retarded asshole.


  1. I think you're just sad. And angry because you have been bestowed with terrible luck. I'm sorry, Josh, if Vancouver has been less-than-cool for you. But seriously, get over yourself. No grown ass man would waste his time writing this blog if he wasn't straight loser and had a life. Hope life hands you some better cards in the future.

  2. Smoking weed isn't good for you because it comes from 'Mother Nature'. It is good for you because...well, because its been scientifically proven to be beneficial to health. Cannabis can cure asthma, help prevent Alzheimer's disease, eliminate stress, (which otherwise shortens lifespan), act as an anti-inflammatory, bone growth stimulant, anti-spasmodic and anti-epileptic, etc. There are recorded instances of smoking weed curing asthma after a single inhale, and hundreds of people have been diagnosed cannabis for the treatment of seizures. It is 100% effective for many otherwise incurable afflictions. Recent research has proven that every human from conception has an organ system in the brain made specifically for the absorption of THC and CBD, two plant constituents found in marijuana. And this system has been proven to be just as important as the digestive or endocrine system. From birth, we as humans are made to be able to absorb cannabis and are in fact made healthier from it. If you are interested I can post links to these studies, as well as to other medical benefits of cannabis.

  3. ...Who calls it chron? Haha. I bet if you smoked some weed you wouldn't be so annoyed with these things. :D
    Joking aside, I love these blogs man. Make me laugh every time. Keep it up.
