Friday, October 29, 2010

#2: Douchebags On The Mountain

Go ahead skier guy. Keep scratching the shit out my board with your poles. And keep pretending you don’t see your skis hitting my edges in the lift line, because in about five fucking seconds I’m going to take your wraparound Oakley 'sport' sunglasses and strangle you with them in front of your child, who happens to be attached to you by a harness with a leash. And speaking of children, a huge thank you to the parents who take their kids to the big park just so they can roll over the lips of the jumps and fuck them up. That’s what the god damn BEGINNER Park is for. BEGINNERS. if your son falls on the tranny and lays there for longer than 6 seconds I’m going to land on him and try to slice his head off with my edges. Or you could just get the fuck out! And all the fucking pot heads...Christ man I really don’t give a fuck how many bowls you smoked, especially when we're the only ones on the lift. I can bet it’s more than the amount of showers you’ve taken in the last week though 'brah.'

1 comment:

  1. took the time to come on here and read this, but not all pot smokers are burnouts like you stereotype. sorry
