Friday, October 29, 2010

#23: Society In General

What the fuck is wrong with people today. Just the fact the orange juice with extra pulp even exists is proof that we live in a sick, sick world. Who the fuck likes to drink "pulp"? Mmmm little fuzzy slimy particles of orange are in my glass of OJ. Cool! Sike. Whoever had that idea should be punched in the trachea. And what’s with this story that they’re going to build a "mosque" by where the two towers used to be? I have no stance either way on the topic but holy SHIT I hear about it every day from some college kid trying to sound cool/intelligent or Satan's Fuckheads AKA news reporters. The thing that pisses me off is that people actually give a shit about this whole thing. It’s a FUCKING BUILDING. No one is going to fucking sit in there and plan terrorist attacks. And if they do, well that’s our own fault for letting terrorists into the country. So let it go. However, if terrorists do bomb anything in this country, I would like to put in a formal request that it be an arcade fire concert. A) I’m pretty sure their lead singer has molested children before, solely based on his appearance, and B) their music sounds like Bruce Springsteen fucked The Cure and then that fetus that resulted was aborted and used for stem cell research, then those stem cells became someone’s chode. Can someone please knock some sense into those indie kids that think Arcade Fire is good. Preferably with their "vintage" collection of Bob Dylan vinyl records. Bob Dylan is fucking overrated. There I said it. And surprisingly the whole musical infrastructure didn’t collapse immediately. You know what else is overrated? 3-D movies. Why is it fun to some people to pay an extra ten dollars for uncomfortable sunglasses and a headache 15 minutes into the movie? I will never know. In fact there are millions of things I will never know. Like who eats corn flakes that aren’t frosted? What’s the fucking point? You know you're just going to put sugar on them anyways. Stop fooling yourself and just get Frosted Flakes. And hey black people, wtf? Why are you all wearing Spiderman and Dora the Explorer backpacks? And don’t try to call me racist, because it would be just as fucking retarded if anyone was doing it but I only see black people doing it. So what the fuck? And those clothing lines that have cartoon characters all over them, where did those come from? Example: Some Russian (possibly Ukrainian, I can’t tell them apart) kid was wearing a baby blue jacket and jean shorts, and the blue jacket had bugs bunny sewn on the side and the number 84. I didn't understand it. And then the jean shorts had Daffy Duck and a picture of dice on the side pocket. Uh...What? Is that G now? Who knows? Speaking of being G, I figured out why white people love snowboarding so much. It's because very few black people go snowboarding, so white people feel comfortable dressing and acting thugged out. I see so many white trash fuck heads at the mountain who usually wear jeans and a tank top wearing XXL pants halfway down their ass and XXXXXXXXL t-shirts with pot leaves/an Easy E picture that look like it could be a tent, or maybe a dress. I don't care how good you are you look like a clown. Now if someone was actually dressed like a clown, that would be cool because they obviously aren’t taking themselves too seriously. Lastly, if I get told I need to vote one more fucking time, I swear to Christ that person is going to get their face beat in. Why the FUCK is it so important for me to vote? "your voice counts hnnnnuhhh" fuck that. I don't know shit about politicians, or politics, or even any of the issues people vote on. Why the fuck should I be forced to fill in the bubbles that adhere to my opinions the most if I have no idea what I'm talking about? So Puffy/Sean Combs/Diddy/Dick Cheese/whatever the fuck you are, eat shit because I'm not voting.

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