Friday, October 29, 2010

#11.5: People Who Are Overly Politically Correct

Some fucking whore at Wendy’s had the gumption to talk shit to me after I called my friend gay waiting in line for my delicious jr. bacon cheeseburger. This is what happened, not word for word cause I wasn’t fucking recording the conversation, but you'll get the gist:
Friend: "Dude what are you gonna get"
Me: "I think I’m gonna go with the delectable jr bacon cheeseburger and some crunchy outside juicy inside nuggets"
Friend: "Yeah you do love meat"
Me: “Nice dude. youre so gay"
FUCKING WHORE WHO IS NOT PART OF THE CONVERSATION AT ALL: "Excuse me but my brother is gay and I don’t appreciate slurs like that."

Well miss life of the fucking party, I could not give less of a shit about your whore ass or your cock smoking brother. If you can’t deal with the fact that gay has become a slang term for not cool then you may as well jump off an overpass cause you’re up a shit creek without a paddle on that crusade. Furthermore, people like you that get offended by it are just perpetuating the notion that gays are "different" or "discriminated against" by taking offense to a fucking word. Get down off your high horse cause I don’t care if someone is gay, however, I do care if they're an asshole who thinks it’s cool to butt into conversations that they have no place in. I’m sure your brother would rather be gay than be a stupid cunt like you.

And what the fuck is up with the people who want all the sports names like "Blackhawks" and "Redskins" changed? God I’d hate for a team to be called "The Whiteys", that would just be such an insult to me and my people. NOOOOT! That would be cool. And hey, maybe if you’re that into changing the names, why don’t you give them back THE WHOLE FUCKING CONTINENT YOUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDPA FUCKING STOLE FROM THEM?! No? Then shut the fuck up. I don’t think they care as much about a team name as they do about ol granny redcorn getting date raped by john smith and having a bastard son from it. And if they do? Then fuck ‘em they’re stupid assholes. God damn.