Sunday, December 12, 2010

#57: People Who Take Way Too Many Pictures

I can't count how many fucking times I have been around these people. You'd think that I could spot them and therefore avoid them or at the very least break their camera and/or phone into a thousand tiny pieces but no. I never can tell. Who the FUCK needs 100+ photos of their face close up? Apparently the first girl I clicked on while I was on facebook does. What the fuck do you do with your spare time? How long does it take to photoshop the fat parts of you out? Not to mention changing it to black and white, or the weird fucking angles, or whatever else you people seem to enjoy. Here's an idea: take up something musical. Do something that takes talent, stimulates your mind, and doesn't fucking involve being a fuck head piece of SHIT. Oh but you write a fucking lame ass blog like evey day you fucking hypocrite. Yeah it takes me fucking 10 minutes and other people actually get enjoyment out of it. No one wants to see another 45 degree angled close up of your stupid fucking eyelinered to shit emo whore face. I'm sorry but we can't all be movie stars. The worst is when I'm out doing shit with people and we have to take time out just for the sole purpose of taking a god damn picture for Myspace or Twitter or fucking Google images I don't fucking know. Sure maybe you take one group picture, whatever, I can understand that. But don't stand there for 20 minutes trying to get your wrinkly ass forehead to look normal, or your janky ass teeth to look white, or whatever else it is whores value. When I drive an hour and a half to the mountain I want to fucking shred I don't want to wait for little Suzie Perkins to fucking get her beanie at an angle that doesnt make her look like an abominable wench. I also don't get tanked for the sole purpose of taking pictures of how tanked I was. If people really cared about how tanked you got they would fucking be at your party getting tanked with you. Fucking whores and their cameras.

1 comment:

  1. i did. i hung them in your bathroom, right above the sink
