Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#97: Lisa Gallucci

Who is Lisa Gallucci? Well for one, she is terrible at Yahtzee. She loses by an average of 70 points every game, and that is just a ballpark figure since I'm not 100% sure she really knows how to add, so her total that she writes down could be wrong. PS what's with those headbands? NEWS FLASH this isn't 1984! She's super classy too, cause she drinks 40s...Oh wait she doesn't even drink them she just breaks them. LOL...Lisa also happens to like dubstep...Why don't you go to fucking Europe Lisa because here in America we like real music that has words in it and drums that aren't made by pressing a button. Gallucci. What a name. When you're born into the Gallucci family you probably get handed pinstriped pants and a plate of spaghetti in the delivery room. She always tries to hug me and I'm like Lisa you smell like cannoli get out of here.


  1. Hi this is Lisa Gallucci and I totally have a crush on you Josh. You should go to my house and bang on my door repeatedly - I really like that. If I threaten to call the cops, just ignore that, it's part of my "game". If you wait outside long enough, I'll eventually let you in. Hope to see you soon Joshy!

  2. pretty sure lisa lives with her parents lol
