This editorial I read in the paper really fucking pissed me off. First of all, it's gayer than AIDS to write letters to the paper, and second of all, this guy is a no class fuck stain with a baby's dick.
"I live on the Metolius River in Oregon part of the summer. A July 2 story reported “Underwater competition: Bull trout make a return.” Before the bull trout was introduced a couple of years ago, we had thousands of kokanee surfacing for bugs all day long. We had fishermen, bald eagles and osprey from 6 in the morning until dark working the food chain. The Forest Service or the Confederate Tribes of Warm Springs had to reintroduce the bull trout and many of the former activities have disappeared.
Our federal government has spent millions of your money on two fish ladders to reintroduce salmon and steelhead to Lake Billy Chinook and the program is just getting started. I guess we’ll see how many of the eggs and small ones get eaten by the bull trout before going to sea. The bull trout is a sucker fish that the anglers don’t even come to fish. Do you ever see it in the stores for sale?
Gary Benke
Gary Gary Gary Gary. Why do you say these things? I bet you came home one day pissed off because you couldn't catch any Kokanee from your stupid ass 14 foot Bayliner you bought on credit. Then you came home and your ghoulish wife wanted to get fucked but you couldn't get it up. So you thought to yourself holy shit I have to make myself feel better quick so I don't Casey Anthony my infant son in a fit of rage tonight. So, naturally, you wrote a letter to your paper blaming Bull trout for eating all the Kokanee you WOULD have caught if the Bull trout hadn't been such huge assholes to you in particular.
"I guess we’ll see how many of the eggs and small ones get eaten by the bull trout before going to sea."
Be a little more passive aggressive you fucking twerp...And NEWS FLASH every single fucking fish in the Metolius river eats fish eggs. So I suppose that means we should just send 10,000 volts through the entire river and kill off every single living fucker in there (except your precious Kokanee of course) so that Salmon and Steelhead can spawn their little fish hearts out. Orrrrr you could just not be a whiny bitch about it and accept that in nature some fish eggs are going to get eaten by other fish, its happened since before you were born and it will continue happening after you are dead of chronically being a cunt.
"The bull trout is a sucker fish that the anglers don’t even come to fish. Do you ever see it in the stores for sale?"
Okay let's just point out the obvious here, Bull trout are not anatomically sucker fish. For your consideration I went and caught a bull trout to show you (because I'm not a puss like Gary and I can catch them)
As you can see, the Bull trout does not have a "sucker" mouth. It has a normal ass fish mouth with gills and some little sharp teeth on the inside. But maybe he meant they were lame and uninteresting fish and that's why no one wants to catch them. If ol Gary had ever hooked into a Bull trout, he would know that he is fucking stupid and they are not easy to reel in.
Funnily enough, Bull trout is a char, whis is a member of the Salmonidae family, as are Kokanee. Way to go Gary! You are on a fucking roll my man. Here is another fact that makes Gary look like a dipshit: the reason they are planting Bull trout in the river is because they used be so prized as a sport fish that they were fished to the brink of extinction (good call on the sucker fish claim Gary!), which brings me to his last "point"... "Do you ever see them at the store for sale?" No I do not, GARY, because THEY ARE A FUCKING ENDANGERED SPECIES AND THAT WOULD BE ILLEGAL YOU STUPID FUCKING PRICK
So congrats Gary, on being a complete limp dick fucktard and pissing me off. Its no wonder he is such an asshole though, anyone who has played Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow would know that people named Gary are real sons of bitches.